This world was sublime. It was only missing a woman to make it Paradise. 

 This is when Kaki made her entrance. 

 Vividly, she breathed in a great gulp of air, filled her lungs with the light breeze, and contemplated the feathery creatures and gleaming skies filled with nascent lights. 

 She adorned herself with handfuls of white and celadon feathers then set out to explore this Paradise. 

Maharaja Ring worn in « Beaux Jours » A tourmaline dome of a deep azure-green colour crowns a red gold turban, adorned with white gold beads, diamonds and Paraïba tourmaline cabochons. This ring can convert into a “Grand Soir” style.

She noticed a precious dome of deep azure green so exceptional that she gazed inside and decided to make it her very own treasure. 

Then, Kaki cast a tender look upon her feathers: Paradise had envisioned them with such love and fashioned them with such art, that she wished she could offer them to the gaze of others.  

 Thus, she resolved to fly to Earth. 

 Her journey brought her to India, the land of a thousand and one bayadere colours, bewitching smells, red lands of glowing gold and shimmering lights. Kaki was enthralled. 

 She applied rare oils, wrapped herself in precious fabrics, felt the caress of silk on her skin. Overwhelmed by emotions, she allowed herself to be submerged with sweetness and entranced by the surrounding splendours. 

 At the hour when light departs Earth, she entered a rather mysterious palace… 

Bathed by the sounds of sitars, she was welcomed by a Maharaja wearing a lavishly bustling turban with bright feathers and sparkling jewels.  

In his image, she decided to adorn her treasure, the famous tourmaline dome coloured in azure. 

She removed a bouquet from her feathery dress and placed it delicately upon her jewel like a plume of white fluff with shades of azure! 

Maharaja Ring worn in « Grand Soir » A white down panache tops the outstanding azure-coloured tourmaline dome. Red gold turban, adorned with white gold beads and Akoya pearls. The ring can convert into a “Beaux Jours” style.

In her midst of her awe, she decided to display Rani’s necklaces of stones transparent like rock crystal, fruits swollen with gold and heavenly agates!  

Kaki rejoiced. She shined with these beauties and departed skywards for new horizons. 


The creations of the Tale


Les Contes Daymard


Du rêve au bijou

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votre rêve en un bijou fabuleux ?